

We offer a professional freezing system for storing cell materials and their components at temperatures of up to -196°C. With a wide range of highly transparent CryoPure tubes, we cover a volume range of 1.2 ml to 5 ml. Cryo boxes for deep-freeze storage and stands for easy handling of the CryoPure tubes complete the range.

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Cell- and tissue culture

Cell- and tissue culture

CryoPure Storage System

CryoPure Storage System


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    Where should the CryoPure tubes in the nitrogen tank be stored – in the liquid phase or in the gas phase?

    Because from -130°C no further biochemical reactions occur in the cells, storing these in the gas phase (< -130°C) is entirely sufficient for successful cryopreservation. We therefore recommend that CryoPure tubes are stored in the gas phase. Please note the safety advice included with our products. 

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    How are the Sarstedt CryoPure tubes certified?


    As per DIN EN ISO 11137 – 'Sterilization of health care products – Validation and routine control for sterilization with radiation'


    Based on the LAL test as per the FDA guideline for medical devices, detection limit < 0.06 EU/ml


    In compliance with DIN EN ISO 10993 – 'Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 5 Tests on in-vitro cytotoxicity'


    The evidence for estimating freedom from mutagens was gathered according to the Ames Test II

    IVD conformity confirmed

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