The full product catalogue

Here you can find our updated full product catalogue with many product innovations. The catalogue has been completely revised and, in particular, restructured and extended by several language options.


Please find below all language versions currently available in a PDF format.

New language versions will be added gradually. Therefore, please visit our website at regular intervals to check if the catalogue is available in additional languages.

Language Catalogue version Version
German Colour code blood collection: EU 2023
English Colour code blood collection: EU 2023
English  Colour code blood collection: ISO 2023
English US Colour code blood collection: ISO 2023
Brazilian Colour code blood collection: ISO 2023
English Colour code blood collection: ISO 2019
Brazilian Colour code blood collection: ISO 2019
Spanish Colour code blood collection: EU 2019
Spanish Colour code blood collection: ISO 2023
French Colour code blood collection: EU 2019
French Colour code blood collection: ISO 2023
Russian Colour code blood collection: EU 2019