Multi-Safe Twin-Plus Umstellung
Multi-Safe Twin-Plus Umstellung

The transport boxes conform to the P650 IATA/ADR packaging instructions and can therefore be used to transport diagnostic specimens of substance class UN3373. In addition, these boxes are a valid system according to Deutsche Post AG regulations and can also be shipped as "exempt medical specimens" (P650 "light"). An integrated locking mechanism or the attached foam bag ensure the safe and optimally fixed transport of the secondary containers.
Screw cap, suitable for cold transport container
Post transport packaging, application e.g.: external packaging according to P 650/ ADR, flat design, (LxWxH): 198 x 107 x 38 mm, for diagnostic specimens, holds 1 to 4 transport containers/bottles up to a diameter of 30 mm, Locking mechanism, 50 piece(s)/case
Post transport packaging, application e.g.: external packaging according to P 650/ ADR, high design, (LxWxH): 107 x 198 x 50 mm, for diagnostic specimens, holds 1 to 4 transport containers/bottles up to a diameter of 30 mm, Locking mechanism, 50 piece(s)/case
Post transport packaging, application e.g.: external packaging according to P 650/ ADR, flat design, (LxWxH): 220 x 170 x 40 mm, for diagnostic specimens, holds 1 to 4 transport containers/bottles up to a diameter of 30 mm, enclosed foam foil pouch, 50 piece(s)/case
Post transport packaging, application e.g.: external packaging according to P 650/ ADR, (LxWxH): 192 x 146 x 77 mm, for cold transport container, holds 1 to 4 transport containers/bottles up to a diameter of 30 mm, 50 piece(s)/case
Cold transport container, German
Polystyrene container, suitable as outer packaging for cool transport
Cold transport container for blood gas capillaries, S-Monovette® up to 105 x Ø 18 mm, transparent, length: 50 mm, Cold shipping / warm shipping, 1 piece(s)/case
Cold transport container, English
Cold transport container, French
The foam attached inside the transport case cannot be replaced.
In accordance with the packaging instructions P650, packaging for UN3373 must consist of at least three components:
- a primary tube
- a secondary tube
- outer packaging.
It is necessary to ensure that the two tubes are impervious to liquids (if liquid substances are being shipped) and one of the two has an internal pressure of 95 kPa (0.95 bar) with no loss of filling material.
An absorbent material which can soak up the entire filling quantity must be inserted between the two tubes.
At least one of the surfaces of the outer packaging must have minimum dimensions of 100 x 100 mm.
Wipe disinfection is recommended as a method of cleaning as this method rules out the risk of the product being subjected to mechanical or thermal stress.
In accordance with the regulations of Deutsche Post AG and the packaging directive P650 IATA/ADR, the mailing containers are a valid shipping system.
The mailing containers can be used for all Sarstedt mailing containers, and their integrated locking mechanism and the attached foam bag offer optimal fixation and padding of the secondary tube.
This is an exemption under category B (infectious substances allocated UN3373), but only applies if there is a professional assessment (e.g. from a doctor) stating that the patient samples to be shipped have no or minimal likelihood of containing a pathogen.
This assessment should be made on the basis of the known patient history, symptoms and individual background of the patient.
When being shipped, the samples must be packaged in accordance with P650. This exemption is not subject to the regulations of ADR and can therefore be transported with a courier driver with the label "EXEMPT HUMAN SPECIMEN" or "EXEMPT ANIMAL SPECIMEN".
The transport cases have a confirmation from BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing) that they can be shipped in accordance with P650 ADR. Certification of this can be requested from customer services.
We recommend that cool transport containers are disposed of after five years. If you wish to dispose of the container, please ask for the safety data sheet.
You can use this data sheet to contact your regional disposal company, which will be able to give you information on how to dispose of the container in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
Please note that disposal regulations may differ from region to region.