Tourni STRETCH Single Patient Use Tourniquet
Tourni STRETCH Single Patient Use Tourniquet
The extensive range of accessories for all blood collection requirements - from adapters to tourniquets, colour-coded caps and false bottom tubes to ESR racks and disposal boxes – ideally complements our product range.
Archiving screw cap, light blue, suitable for tubes Ø 15.3 mm, 1,000 piece(s)/bag
Cuvette and steel balls, suitable for Amelung KC coagulometer (macro), material: PS, length: 23 mm, transparent, 1,000 cuvettes/bag and 1,000 steel balls/flask
Tube, working volume: 4.5 ml, (LxØ): 75 x 12 mm, material: PP, conical base, transparent, push cap, suitable for Pharmacia/LKB Gamma Counter and Gamma Counter Cobra from Packard, 1,000 piece(s)/bag
Sample tube, suitable for auto-analyzer, material: PS, 1.5 ml, (LxØ): 24 x 14 mm, transparent, 1,000 piece(s)/bag
Serum filter, translucent, (LxØ): 100 x 16 mm, filtering fibrin from serum/plasma of centrifuged blood, 100 piece(s)/bag
Screw cap, natural, suitable for tubes and S-Monovette® Ø 13 mm, 1,000 piece(s)/bag
Tube, working volume: 5 ml, (LxØ): 75 x 12 mm, material: PS, round base, transparent, push cap, suitable for flow cytometer like FACSCanto, FACSAria, FACSCalibur, LRS2, FC500, sterile, 50 piece(s)/bag
Sample tube, suitable for Boehringer ES 300® and ES 600®, material: PS, 2 ml, (LxØ): 40 x 12 mm, transparent, 500 piece(s)/bag
Screw cap, red, suitable for tubes Ø 15.3 mm, 1,000 piece(s)/bag
One-patient tourniquet, material: polymer, latex-free, 25 piece(s)/bag
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