lumox® Reference Guide
lumox® Reference Guide

lumox® multiwell, Cell culture plate, with foil base, 24 well, frame: black, frame: PS, for Adherent cells, flat base, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 1 piece(s)/blister
lumox® multiwell, Cell culture plate, with foil base, 24 well, frame: black, frame: PS, for Adherent cells, flat base, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 1 piece(s)/blister
lumox® multiwell, Cell culture plate, with foil base, 96 well, frame: black, frame: PS, for Adherent cells, flat base, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 1 piece(s)/blister
lumox® multiwell, Cell culture plate, with foil base, 96 well, frame: black, frame: PS, for Adherent cells, flat base, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 1 piece(s)/blister
lumox® multiwell, Cell culture plate, with foil base, 384 well, frame: black, frame: PS, for Adherent cells, flat base, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 1 piece(s)/blister
lumox® multiwell, Cell culture plate, with foil base, 384 well, frame: black, frame: PS, for Adherent cells, flat base, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 1 piece(s)/blister
lumox® dish 35, Tissue culture dish, with foil base, Ø: 35 mm, for Adherent cells, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 5 piece(s)/bag
lumox® dish 35, Tissue culture dish, with foil base, Ø: 35 mm, for suspension cells, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 5 piece(s)/bag
lumox® dish 50, Tissue culture dish, with foil base, Ø: 50 mm, for Adherent cells, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 5 piece(s)/bag
lumox® dish 50, Tissue culture dish, with foil base, Ø: 50 mm, for suspension cells, sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, 5 piece(s)/bag
当社の組織培養フラスコ、ディッシュ、プレートはすべて、"Come Grow with us"の品質認証が貼付されており、以下の通り保証しています。
医療機器に関するFDAガイドラインによるLAL検査に基づき、検出限界 < 0.06 EU/ml
DIN EN ISO 10993 - 『医療機器の生物学的評価 - 第5部 試験管内細胞毒性検査』に準拠
DIN EN ISO 11137 – 『医療品の無菌化 – 放射線滅菌に関する検証と日常管理』に準拠
lumox®とは超薄型のガス透過性フィルムで、光透過性は極めて良好ですが、自己蛍光はありません。本フィルムは、lumox®ディッシュ、lumox®マルチウェル、x-well lumox®などの多くの細胞培養製品の基礎を成すものです。
lumox®マルチウェル及びx-well lumox®は、特に付着細胞に適した表面で利用可能です。lumox®ディッシュは浮遊細胞用の表面でも利用できます。詳しくは、当社の細胞ライブラリーでご覧いただけます。