Продукция для специальных тестов
Тест Thrombo Plus® для прямого подсчёта тромбоцитов и тест Hemoplus® для определения скрытой крови в кале служат основой для расширения нашего ассортимента диагностических средств.
Cuvette and steel balls, suitable for Amelung KC coagulometer (macro), transparent 73.834
Cuvette and steel balls, suitable for Amelung KC coagulometer (macro), material: PS, length: 23 mm, transparent, 1,000 cuvettes/bag and 1,000 steel balls/flask
Screw cap tube, 5 ml, round base, transparent 63.504.027
Screw cap tube, working volume: 5 ml, (LxØ): 75 x 13 mm, round base, PP, transparent, cap assembled, with plastic label, label/print: transparent/green, ''CSF/Liquor'', with graduations, cap assembled, natural, sterile, 1 piece(s)/blister
- Example of use:
- CSF, collection, transport and storage of CSF/liquor
Micro sample tube 100 µl brillant, 100 µl, screw cap 42.117
Micro sample tube 100 µl brillant, preparation: 1% brilliant cresyl blue solution, nominal volume: 100 µl, (LxØ) with cap: 46 x 10.8 mm, screw cap, cap: blue, conical base, 50 piece(s)/case
- Example of use:
- Reticulocyte counting
Monovette® VD
V-Monovette® VD
CSF tubes
SARSTEDT Thrombo Plus®
SARSTEDT prepared tubes for HbA1c testing using Tina-quant®
SARSTEDT prepared tubes for HbA1c testing using Tina-quant®
Coombs tube
Prepared Micro Tubes
Prepared Tubes
V-Monovette® VD
Tubes for IVD purposes and accessories (стерильный)
Tubes for IVD purposes and accessories (стерильный)